Let’s Talk about Mom Friends…

This is always something I personally have struggled with.

Just think about it, a person that is going through the same thing you are at the moment. It’s 3 AM, and this is the fourth time you’ve been awake with the baby. You just WISH there was someone you could reach out to, someone that would understand the total body exhaustion you feel. Messy bun, yesterday’s makeup running down your cheeks because the tears streamed down your face, wet t-shirt from the spilled milk.

This is something that we STRIVE for. The perfect friend.

I’ve surrounded myself with so many people, it’s hard to say that I have that BEST friend. The person I tell all my secrets to.

For some people it’s your mom or sister. Someone you that has known you from the beginning of your life. Some one that understands every thing that has made you, you.

It could be the friend you met at the Mommy & Baby music class, at the downtown library. Kids who are the same age, and you know they would make a great long time friend to your daughter.

Maybe it’s your husbands coworkers wife. They are the couple who is older and wiser, and will always give you the best advice. Someone who you became friends with their whole family, and know that your village is getting bigger, and stronger.

Your high school best friend, that even though is worlds away, and when her world is completely different, you know she is always just a text or phone call away.

It could be a new friend. An unexpected friend. You know that she would never judge you, and would do anything to keep you and your family safe and happy.

The sister in law that is always there for your children no matter what. Someone you can share all of the best memories together. Watch each other’s kids grow up. Enjoy big life moments, like marriage, child birth, birthday’s and so much more.

And, your person. The person that chose you and you choose over and over. The one you know has seen all your darkest days, but will easily brighten them. The one you will do life with in the bad, and the good.

These are crazy times, and we all need that friend. So when I say “mom” friend, I don’t mean a friend that IS a mom. I mean any friend that you know you would never want to do life without.

These are my true friends. This is what my village is made of.

Love you friends. ❤️

25 thoughts on “Let’s Talk about Mom Friends…

  1. I’m blessed to have an amazing sister and sister-in-law who are always there for me. I agree that every mom needs someone!


  2. I love this! I only have a few friends but I know that they’re always there for me whenever I need them. They’re the real ones. It’s so important to have people you can really trust and rely on! Great post!x


    1. They really are! They know the ins and outs of your life which is so awesome! You don’t have to explain anything because chances are they’ve been through it! ❤️


  3. I’ve been so lucky in the newfound frienship I found in a childhood friend now that we’re both married! Its so hard being a Mom without a person that supports you and gets you.


  4. Beautifully said! Although I’m not a mom yet, I try my best to be “that friend” to all the moms in my life. I definitely agree that moms need someone to hear them out, understand them (or at least try to) and support them! Loved reading this!

    Much love always,

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